martes, 19 de enero de 2016

Reliefs of Spain

Also we have studied the most important reliefs of Spain. Here I attach an image to let you remember the most important ones. El Macizo Galáico, la Cordillera Cantábrica, Los Pirineos, El Sistema Ibérico, El sistema Central, La Meseta, La Cordillera Costero-Catalana, El sistema Bético, etc.

I challenge you to find all these chains and mountains, but also I dare you to find where is "Sierra Morena, Submeseta Norte y Cordillera Penibética.

Rivers of Spain

This month we are studying the rivers, seas and oceans that we may find in Spain, at least the most important. Well, here I am going to attach an image to remind and help you study for the exam. If you have any further question you may ask me here or in class, Thank you very much.