jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

Classifying food

Here we have the project we have done in class about the unit number 1 in Natural Science. We have learned that food is divided in 5 groups and that our body needs food for health, growth and energy, That is why we learned where to classify the different food into each group.

Here we have our great and wonderful job! But still, can you give some more examples of food and classify it in their group?

10 comentarios:

  1. hello mr Fernando im jose Luis with de perfil of my sister

  2. Thank you very much Jose Luis! But can you tell me some food we can add to the groups? for example:

    Meat and fish: Cod, sardines, lamb, etc
    Fruit: Watermelon, mango, etc

    Come on boys you can add more examples!!

  3. Thank you very much Jose Luis! But can you tell me some food we can add to the groups? for example:

    Meat and fish: Cod, sardines, lamb, etc
    Fruit: Watermelon, mango, etc

    Come on boys you can add more examples!!

  4. NExt time try to read the questions and answer in English! But, nice work!

  5. im crislanci19 and anonimo

  6. i have a group new grup in fish and mest crab
