miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016

European flags

Good morning everyone! here I attach a picture of some European flags... You know as you are having more than a week of holidays I am leaving you some work to do and not get really bored. Well first of all, I would like to wish you spend a happy Easter! and enjoy a lot with your family... And now let's get to work!

Can you tell me in order if you know any of these European flags:

1                        2                    3                  4
5                        6                    7                  8
9                        10                  11                12
13                      14                  15                16

Good luck and MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU (que la fuerza os acompañe!)

6 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. hello mr.fernado i Jaime H this play is very funny goodby

  3. 1 eurpe 2 italy 3 united kingdom 4 Austria 5 croatia 6 sweden 7 spain 8 greece 9 norway 10 germany 11 france 12 Portugal 13 irleand 14 denmark 15 netherlands 16 germany Jaime h

  4. hello mr Fernando i now the 16 flags Europe Italy Uk Austria Netherlands Sweden Spain Greece Norway Germany France Portugal Irland Switzerland Luxembourg Belgium

    1. There is only one that is incorrect! it is not Norway but another Scandinavian country starting with D_ _ _ _ _ _!

  5. Jaime Well done! but there are some mistakes, number 5, 9 , 14, 15 and 16. Try again!
